Please Note! Consumer Affairs Victoria stipulate that new applications and the renewals of Membership comply with their (and ECC) requirements, that being, completed name, address and contact details. Failure to provide these statutory details may result in a processing delay accepting your renewal.
Please provide all details on this form. You may prefer to pay via direct transfer or cash to the treasurer. Credit Card payment is also available through PayPal.
Membership – Couples
$65.50 – $111.00
Please Note! Consumer Affairs Victoria stipulate that new applications and the renewals of Membership comply with their (and ECC) requirements, that being, completed name, address and contact details. Failure to provide these statutory details may result in a processing delay accepting your renewal.
Please provide all details on this form. You may prefer to pay via direct transfer or cash to the treasurer. Credit Card payment is also available through PayPal.
Additional information
Couples: $91 (+ $20) = $111, **Concession Couples: $45.50 (+$20) = $65.50