AGM – General Information
The committee is made up of the following and all positions must be filled at the AGM:
Vice President
General Member: minimum of 3 to form a committee but a maximum of 7 is allowable.
Nominating for a committee position
Nominations for a committee position can be made using the official form on the club’s website once the nomination period has been opened.
You can either:
- Nominate yourself for a position
- Nominate another person for a position
Note: If nominating another person, that person will need to sign the form you’ve filled out accepting the nomination.
A Chairperson not running for a committee position will run the meeting.
At the start of the AGM, the Chairperson will declare all positions vacant.
Titled Position: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer
If only one member has been nominated for one of the “titled” committee positions, that person will be declared as elected to that position.
If more than one member is nominated for one of the “titled” committee positions, a ballot will be held with the members present.
General Positions:
General positions are those positions that don’t necessarily hold a particular role.
If total nominations for a general committee position is equal to, or less than 7 members, those members will be declared as elected as general committee members.
If nominations for general committee positions exceeds 7 members, a ballot will be held.
Proxy Voting
A member can be nominated as a proxy for you if you are not able to attend the AGM but would still like your vote counted should a ballot be called for.
A form is available on the website which needs to be filled, signed and given to the person you are nominating to be your proxy for the evening.
These forms must be given to the Chairperson on the night prior to the meeting commencing.