23rd July 2023 | 12:30pm | Mid-Winter Lunch
A quick question to ECC Members, where is this year going and so swiftly? Here we are preparing for the Mid Winter Lunch and our AGM.
This email is to remind you of our Mid-Winter Lunch is on Sunday 23rd July but with a change of venue. Originally planned for The Anglers Hotel, but with the recent massive flooding of the Maribyrnong River, the venue is till under repair and refurbishment.
So, we are moving across the river to The Boathouse for a 12:30 start.
To ensure we book for the appropriate number attending, your RSVP is sought so we can lock it in.
The courtesy of a reply will only take a momment, so please send and email to President@EssendonCameraClub.org.au with either a YES with number attending or NO by Monday 10th July.
I’m also preparing the Notice of AGM and that email woill be sent in the next 24 hours.
Looking forward to seeing you on Monday night and also attending our Mid-Winter Lunch.